Governance and Strategy Group

Activity: Economic Development 

Council’s Economic Development activity works to strengthen the district economy and attract new business to the Far North by promoting it as an investment destination. This includes working to ensure that Council delivers on its promise to be a business friendly organisation. It also works with businesses and education providers to ensure that appropriate and timely skills training is available to the community.

In relation to economic development, Council works to contribute to a strong, growing and sustainable district economy that makes a tangible and positive difference to the people of the Far North, with a particular focus on attracting investment to the district.

Key facts 

Council supports or manages a number of economic development initiatives including:

  • The Live Work Invest promotional campaign and website.
  • The Buy Far North promotional campaign and website.
  • The Business Navigation service.
  • Promotional, informational, and multimedia displays for economic expos.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

Highlights of our progress during 2012/13 include:

  • Northland Economic Advisory Group for Northland was established to lead the process of driving the regional Economic Development Action Plan that emerged from the two workshop summits. These workshops along with subsequent review workshops were supported by Council. Council has also met regularly with Northland Inc. to discuss and implement various economic development opportunities.
  • A review was completed and presented to Council regarding a marketing strategy that combines the function of current economic development initiatives with those that are required to leverage the Pou Herenga Tai-Twin Coast Cycle Trail project. 

Challenges we experienced 

  • Council has resolved that economic development and marketing and promotion of the district would be best carried out by a business unit utilising existing Council staff under the management of Far North Holdings Ltd. The initial work by this business unit will be to establish a strategy by which this can be undertaken and to ensure that the appropriate staff are available. 

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Preparation of a strategic business plan and working with Far North Holdings Ltd to strengthen the district’s economy and market the district’s attractions, such as Pou Herenga Tai – Twin Coast Cycle Trail.
  • In partnership with the private sector, a Bay of Islands brand will be developed and launched.   The brand will target the Auckland market to entice more visitors into the district, especially during tourism’s shoulder and low seasons.  A key component of this will be the promotion and growing of events in the district.
  • Review of the Live Work Invest promotional campaign and website. The outcome of the review is to focus on attracting and actively targeting small and medium sized enterprises (SME) into the district.
  • Support the economic and business development of the Pou Herenga Tai-Twin Coast Cycle Trail.
How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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