Environmental Management Group

Activity: Resource Consent Management

The Resource Consent Management Activity primarily involves the processing of resource consent applications in accordance with the District Plan and the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). As well as resource consent applications, the activity processes other related approvals such as earthworks permits, right of way applications and Sale of Liquor compliance certificates. A significant portion of the activity includes the provision of information to members of the public and the answering of queries.

Council is required to under take the activity of resource consents under Section 31 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

In addition to the legislative requirements, the activity has the ability to contribute to the well-being of the community and the sustainable development of the district by:

  • The promotion of community confidence and trust in the resource consent procedures and decisions.
  • The provision of expertise to ensure that all relevant issues are considered.
  • The application of equity and fairness when considering resource consent applications.
  • The enabling of the community to undertake activities.

Key facts 

During 2012/13 Council processed: 

  • 423 resource consent and other approvals. This 
  • figure includes: 
  • 32 changes to consent conditions (section 127).
  • 12 requests for extensions of resource consents
  • (section 125).
  • 3 objections to conditions.
  • 2 designations.
  • 33 earthworks permits (issued under the Local Government Act, and Council’s Bylaw). 
  • 22 right of way applications (issued under the Local Government Act).
  • 27 liquor license certificates of compliance (issued under the Sale of Liquor Act).
  • 417 subdivisional certificates (section 223, 224 etc).

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

Some highlights of our progress during 2012/13 include:

  • Maintaining a steady success rate in meeting statutory timeframes for processing resource consents, with 97% achieved within timeframes over the past 12 months.
  • Processed a notice of requirement for a kura kaupapa at Koutu Point, Hokianga.
  • Granting consent for a service station at Orongo Bay, Russell, via a notification process that created a lot of public/community interest. The decision was not appealed meaning work could commence quickly.
  • The Marsden Trust Board application to construct and operate the Marsden Cross Heritage Centre on the Purerua Peninsula was granted. The Trust hopes to have the Centre established in time for the bi-centenary of Samuel Marsden’s first christian service in New Zealand by December 2014. 
  • Proposed changes recommended for Far North District Council fee and service charges were adopted by Council in June 2013. 
  • Council has been involved in a long running dispute involving Carrington Estate & Ngati Kahu over Council’s decision to allow a 12 unit residential development at Kaikari. The Court of Appeal decision has overturned the High Court judgement and found in Council’s favour in all counts. This decision accepts that Council’s process and decision not to notify the application was correct. Unfortunately Ngati Kahu are seeking leave to take the matter to the Supreme Court. 

Challenges we experienced 

  • The resource consent processing team continues to face the challenge of efficiently and effectively processing resource consents, whilst taking into account Council’s responsibilities to ensure the principles of the Resource Management Act are upheld, including the rights of the community to be involved in the process. 

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Continue to substantially achieve compliance with statutory timeframes by continuing to improve systems and processes.
  • Unless economically advantageous to the community, continue to process the vast majority of resource consents by internal staff and minimise the use of external consultants.
  • Continue to assist staff with ongoing professional development to ensure quality decisions and assistance to the community.
How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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