Planning and Reporting Framework


Far North District Council’s culture of improvement and innovation makes sure that future strategies, plans and policies are updated with considerable community consultation.

Our culture of foresight thinking also ensures that we identify future global and local issues to achieve our vision of “The top place where talent wants to live, work and invest” which fosters the cultural, environmental, economic and social wellbeing within community aspirations. Please refer to the integrated planning framework outlined in the diagram below:



Short Term

  • Annual Plan and Annual Budget progress is reported monthly and quarterly to Council and Audit and Finance Committee. 

Medium Term

  • Annual Plan is produced in the intervening years of a three year LTP. Council report the strategic directions, service provision, what we will do and performance indicators. 
  • Annual Report is produced yearly demonstrating financial and non-financial progress in relation to what we said we would do in the Annual Plan and Annual Budget. 

Long Term
Council reviews the Long-Term Plan every three years. The LTP is the most important document Council produces. It sets out Council’s thinking on the major issues facing the Far North District and the priorities for the next 10 years. The 2012/22 Plan is part of a series of 10 year plans which Council will review every 3 years as required by Central Government. Each plan builds on the direction set in the previous one, but it also takes account of how the world and our district have moved on over the last 3 years and the new issues and challenges we face. 

Where to get a copy? 

Electronic copies of the reports above are available on Far North District Council’s website