Welcome to Council’s Performance

This section of the report measures Council’s performance against what we said we would do in the first year of our Long-Term Plan 2012/22. The Long-Term Plan (LTP) sets out the vision for the Far North District as well as priorities and action/projects for Council to follow each year. In particular it provides the financial framework for delivering all the everyday services and facilities that the community enjoys and expects from their local Council. 

Why does Council have performance
as part of the Annual Report?

As well as meeting this statutory requirement detailed below, Council sees this as a vital tool to keep residents, businesses, employees, community groups and organisations informed about its performance and future direction. 

The Local Government Act 2002, under Schedule 10, requires all councils to include the following performance information within each group of activities:

  • Identify the activities within the group of activities; and 
  • Identify the community outcomes to which the group of activities primarily contributes; and 
  • Report the results of any measurement undertaken during the year of progress towards the achievement of those outcomes; and  
  • Describe any identified effects that any activity within the group of activities has on the community. 

Council also is required to:

  • Report the result of established and maintained processes to provide opportunities for Māori to contribute to the decision-making processes with Council. 

Navigating the performance section 

This performance section comprises two main sections.
The first section provides an overview of:

  1. Performance highlights against Council’s key strategic initiatives from the LTP 2012/22. 
  2. An understanding of Community Outcomes. 
  3. Consulting with our community relates to community feedback on Council’s services and facilities. 
  4. Risk management and auditing explains the role of the Audit and Finance Committee, internal audits undertaken, Council’s insurance cover and polices on risk management including an update on risks identified in the LTP 2012/12 as extreme/high activity risks.

This section covers pages 87 to 104.

The main body of the performance report provides an overview from each group activity on the following:

  1. Who we are.
  2. Major achievements in 2012/13. 
  3. Challenges we experienced. 
  4. Plans for the next 12 months.
  5. How we performed against the first year of the LTP 2012/22 is a progress update on action/projects contributing to the priorities in the LTP. We have also linked the action/projects to the Council’s key strategic objectives.  Actual achievements against the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and targets that the Council uses to monitor levels of service. 
  6. Financial information provides a detailed account of our financial performance. For more information on our financials please refer to pages 21 to 85.

This section covers pages 104 to 229.

For additional navigation, please refer to the performance table of contents on page 86.