District Facilities Group

Activity: Pensioner Housing   

Council provides affordable housing to pensioners of modest means. 

Council’s vision is to provide affordable, safe, well maintained, and strategically located housing to meet the needs of pensioners of modest means.

Key facts 

Council owns and maintains:

  • 147 pensioner units.
  • 12 separate locations.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

  • Significant progress has been made to the planned maintenance work programme in 2012/13. All pensioner houses are water tight, insulated and have their maintenance up to date. Concrete blocks have been resealed, spouting repaired or renewed, and new ovens and carpets as necessary. 
  • Continually exceeding level of service on completion of preventative and regular maintenance checks and remedial work well within the timeframe. 

Challenges we experienced

  • Occupancy is not at full capacity at two locations due to local residents causing a nuisance to those residents that formerly occupied those units. 

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Continue to investigate alternative management of the Kohukohu units.
How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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