
AS AT 30 JUNE 2013

Back Row - Left to right:
Murray McDonald - General Manager Environmental Management, David Penny - General Manager Infrastructure and Asset Management, Cr Colin Kitchen, Cr Tom Baker, Cr Steve McNally, Bernard Murphy - General Manager Corporate Services, David Edmunds - Chief Executive

Front Row - Left to right:
Cr Di Maxwell, Cr Monty Knight, Cr Ann Court, His Worship the Mayor Wayne Brown, Cr Tracy Dalton, Cr Mate Radich, Cr Sally Macauley


Mayor Brown

  • LGNZ Zone 1
  • LGNZ / Rural Provincial Sectors 
  • Sewerage / Water Working Party
  • Sister Cities Representative
  • NRC / Mayoral Forum
  • Building & Planning
  • NZ Historic Places Trust / Society for the preservation of the Kerikeri Stone Store Area
  • Harbour Catchment Group
  • Kororipo / Kerikeri Basin Governance Group
  • Kerikeri Domain Trust
  • Northland Economic Action Group 


Councillor Court

  • Refuse - Support
  • Sewerage / Water Working Party
  • National Marine Park for Northland working group
  • NRC / Mayoral Forum
  • LGNZ Zone 1
  • LGNZ / Rural Provincial Sectors
  • Building & Planning
  • Kerikeri Domain Trust

Councillor Kitchen

  • Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group 
  • Kaeo River Liaison Committee - Support 
  • Northland Conservation Board / DOC liaison person

Councillor Baker

  • Northland Road Safety Forum 
  • Roading 
  • Sewerage / Water Working Party 
  • Building & Planning 
  • Disability Action Group

Councillor McNally

  • District Facilities - including pensioner housing 
  • Kaikohe Pioneer Village 
  • Kerikeri Waipapa River Liaison Group 
  • Sewerage / Water Working Party 
  • Roading 
  • Northland Regional Transport Committee 
  • NRC Environmental Management Committee and sub committee (Regional Water & Soil plan for Northland Working Group) - Support 
  • Cycle Trail 
  • Waitangi River Liaison Committee

Councillor Dalton

  • Cycle Trail 
  • The Chief Executive Performance Review Committee

Councillor Maxwell

  • Northland Conservation Board / DOC liaison person - Support
  • NRC Environmental Management Committee and sub committee (Regional Water and Soil Plan for Northland Working Group)
  • Kaeo River Liaison Committee
  • Kerikeri Waipapa River Liaison Group – Support
  • Waitangi River Liaison Committee – Support
  • Harbour Catchment Group

Councillor Knight

  • District Facilities - including pensioner housing, Kaikohe Pioneer Village
  • Sister Cities Representative
  • Creative Communities Funding Assessment Committee - Support
  • Te Ahu Charitable Trust
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Inter Council Working Party
  • Enterprise Northland / Destination Northland
  • Kerikeri Civic Trust (‘The Turner Centre’)
  • Audit & Finance Chairperson

Councillor Radich

  • Northland Road Safety Forum - Support
  • Roading
  • Sport Northland / Regional Physical Activity Strategy and other sporting activities / Northland Sport and physical activity
  • Awanui River Liaison Committee

Councillor Macauley

  • Kerikeri Civic Trust (‘The Turner Centre’)
  • Creative Communities Funding Assessment Committee - (Chairperson)
  • District Facilities - including pensioner housing, Kaikohe Pioneer Village
  • Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group - Support
  • Disability Action Group
  • Enterprise Northland / Destination Northland
  • The Chief Executive Performance Review Committee