Environmental Management Group

Activity: Environmental Policy

The Environmental Policy activity primarily involves identifying resource management issues facing the Far North District, taking into account national and regional policy and regulations, and finding ways of addressing these matters at a local level. The main component is the review, administration, and monitoring of the Far North District Plan.

Council is required to have a District Plan for the Far North under the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991. However, the overall vision and purpose of the activity is to provide for growth and development in the Far North District, and ensuring our natural and physical resources are managed in a sustainable manner which provides opportunities for our communities and future generations to prosper socially, economically and culturally. A key tool for achieving this is the District Plan.

Key facts 

  • The District Plan became fully operative in September 2009.
  • 15 Plan changes have been publicly notified for submissions.
  • 9 Plan changes to the District Plan have been made operative.
  • The District Plan review (Rolling Review) has commenced.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

Highlights of our progress during 2012/13 include:

  • Council has been working with individuals, community groups and Iwi-Hapu to promote learning more about the District Plan. Community engagement tools (e.g. wallet sized "quick guide", a "flyer" and using Council’s facebook page) are in place to reach a wider audience about the Plan. The on-going public awareness programme will continue to be implemented. 
  • Council passed a resolution to proceed (in principle) with a genetically modified organism (GMO) Plan change. This is dependant on other councils also committing to a plan change as well. 
  • The following Plan changes (PC) have been notified:
    • PC 12 for Paihia Heritage.
    • PC 13 for Technical Amendments.
    • PC 14 for Air Chapter.
    • PC 15 or Rural Provisions.
    • PC 16 for Impermeable Surfaces. 
  • Council completed the submission to Northland Regional Council on the proposed Regional Policy Statement for Northland. The Statement identifies a wide range of issues which are of significance to the region, and identifies methods by which to address and resolve these issues, including directing district councils in their roles and responsibilities. 

Challenges we experienced 

  • Water quality continues to be a concern, and a high proportion of fresh water resources have poor water quality.  
  • The proposed National Environmental Reporting Bill will require Council to review Far North District Council Monitoring Strategy 2008, to refine and define the measures that are relevant for the Far North.
  • On-going discussions with the Maˉori Land Court regarding improved integration of processes. 
  • Community views on the GMO issue and how the issue could be managed at a local, regional and national level.   

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Continue with the programme of undertaking prioritised Plan changes to improve the quality of the document and subsequent environmental results.
  • Continue a "rolling review" of the District Plan to meet Council’s statutory obligation.
  • Continue involvement in the Inter-Council Working Party on GMOs.
  • Continue to monitor the effectiveness of the District Plan.
  • As and when opportunities present themselves, increase public awareness and understanding of the District Plan.
How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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