Environmental Management Group

The Environmental Management activity is comprised of all the regulatory activities carried out by Council on behalf of the district and its ratepayers. It includes Environmental Protection, which encompasses the broad range of monitoring and enforcement functions; Resource Management which includes the review, update and administration of the District Plan and the processing of resource consents; and finally Building control, which includes the management of the Building Act and Building Codes as well as the issuance of building consents. These are a mixture of activities carried out for the public good as well as functions that are undertaken to benefit individual organisations, groups and developers.

Activity: Animal control 

The Animal Control activity administers and enforces the Dog Control Act 1996, and its amendments of 2006, and aspects of the Impounding Act 1955 that are the responsibilities of Council.

Wandering stock on Council controlled roads are impounded if the owner cannot be traced. In addition, stock are impounded if brought to Council for trespassing onto private property.

Council’s aim is to safeguard public health, welfare, and safety by ensuring compliance with relevant legislation, policies and bylaw.

This includes:

  • Dealing with animal control, including dog registration and control, in accordance with the provisions of the Dog Control Act.
  • Acting as pound keepers and dealing with wandering / straying stock, in accordance with the provisions of the Impounding Act 1955.

The activity includes:

  • Identifying the owners of dogs through dog registration.
  • Where required, micro chipping dogs.
  • Apply the enforcement provisions of the Dog Control Act.
  • Educating the community about dogs.
  • Encouraging responsible dog ownership.
  • Receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints about dogs.
  • Creating by-laws that give effect to policies and enable enforcement of policy provisions.
  • Provide for the protection of native, indigenous, or protected wildlife.
  • Ensure Council’s responsibilities under the Impounding Act 1955 are carried out as pound keepers, and ensure wandering stock on Council roads are not a danger to the public.
  • Work with farmers to minimise cases of wandering stock and reduce the number of repeat incidents.
  • Work with farmers on matters such as fencing problems on a case by case basis throughout the year.

Key facts 

  • Council registers approx. 10,000 dogs per annum.
  • Responds to around 250 complaints or enquiries per month.
  • Impounds up to 100 dogs per month.
  • Council regularly responds to call-outs for wandering stock.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

Highlights of our progress during 2012/13 include:

  • Review of Chapter 13, Keeping of Animals, Poultry and Bees Bylaw with Council.
  • Amendments to the first schedule of the Dog Control Bylaw 2006 following consultation with the community boards. 
  • Stock pound at Pakaraka has relocated to the existing dog pound site located in Okaihau. 
  • The threat of seizure of unregistered dogs has encouraged dog owners to register their dogs. 97% of known dogs are registered compared to 90% in 2011/12. 

Challenges we experienced 

  • Council experienced an increase in incidents of the keeping of animals in residential areas, which included pigs, sheep, horse and poultry. 
  • Readiness to follow up on non-registered dog owners within the 2 month registration period.  

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • To increase dog registration by following up on known dogs not registered and targeting unregistered dogs.
  • Reducing incidents of wandering stock by working with stock owners at high risk or frequent incident locations.
  • Investigate the options for disposal of unwanted dogs, including associated costs.
  • Investigate the introduction of a neutering programme for dogs re-homed from the pound, including associated costs.
  • Continue public education programmes to increase dog owners’ awareness of their responsibilities.
How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Key Performance Indicators
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