District Facilities Group

The District Facilities Group is made up of a broad collection of separate functions and activities, descriptions of each follow.

Activity: Cemeteries 

Council owns a number of cemeteries that compliment the wider provision in the district.

Council carries out cemetery activities, as required by statute, for the public good in those areas of the district where the service is not provided by others. The Burial and Cremation Act 1964 requires local authorities to provide cemeteries.
The Minister of Health oversees the administration of the Local Government Act.

Key facts 

Council maintains or supports:

  • 11 cemeteries.
  • 15 cemeteries run by committees.

Council also:

  • Provide burial services.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

  • User satisfaction achieved with 54% residents satisfied, and 26% very satisfied with cemeteries due to tidy, well maintained cemeteries with mowed lawns and clean facilities. 

Challenges we experienced

  • Consenting requirements and staff long term sickness resulted in a delay in the planning, and therefore delivery of capital projects. Some were carried forward to 2013/14 budget.

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Review the sanitary services assessment required by the Ministry of Health.
How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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