Annual Report 2012/13

The purpose of the Annual Report is to look at Council’s accomplishments in the financial year from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. The Annual Report is the primary means of advising the Far North community of Council’s financial and non financial performance during the 2012/13 financial year against the objectives set out in the Council’s Long Term Community Plan 2012/22 and the 2012/13 Annual Plan budget. The Annual Report also outlines challenges which the Far North community has faced.

This Annual Report 2012/13 is the third in the series to be produced in the measurement against our 10 Year Plan 2012/22 (otherwise now known as the Long Term Plan). For this reason, we have branded this report the “Third year into our footprint on the future”.

Council has taken the decision to reduce its impact on the environment by not printing the full Annual Report document. Instead a compact disk (CD) version is available and the full printed Annual Report is available online at Both are available by request.


Sections of the Annual Report can be printed by clicking the menu option “print this section”. To print these sections and to view or print the tables with Financial Information, the Wellbeing Report and the Community Outcomes you require Adobe Acrobat Reader which you can downloaded here.

The full version of the Annual Report can be printed here.

A CD version of the Annual Report is also available. To request the CD version or if you have questions or feedback please click here.

Message from the Former Mayor

From a political perspective, this has been a year in which the groundwork has been done to set in train changes to the way in which local government is structured in the Far North. Our quest for a Unitary...

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Message from the Former Chief Executive

A well-balanced approach to financial management and an eye to cost-cutting has put Council in a stronger financial position. We continued to consolidate our finances in 2012/13 and were pleased...

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