District Facilities Group

Activity: Motor Camps  

Council owns a small number of motor camps that compliment the wider provision of camping opportunities in the district. 

The high market value of coastal land makes it unprofitable for private enterprise to retain coastal property as camp grounds. Council’s ownership of camp grounds ensures camping holidays are an option for residents and visitors. Council owns and leases, for a commercial return, camp grounds at Russell, Tauranga Bay and Houhora Heads.

As a response to the growing demand for freedom camping Council has set aside some sites in remote areas that permit over night camping for self contained camping vehicles. It is still Council’s policy that for the protection of the environment and for visitor’s personal safety they should stay in a registered camp ground.

Key facts 

Council owns and leases out motor camps at: 

  • Russell. 
  • Tauranga Bay.
  • Houhoura Heads. 

Council has set aside freedom camping sites at the following locations:

  • Derrick Landing, Kawakawa.
  • Lake Waiparera, Awanui.
  • Recreation Reserve, Kaimaumau.
  • Unahi Wharf, Awanui

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

  • Implemented honorary reserve warden programme to assist with monitoring of illegal camping in 3 communities.

Challenges we experienced

  • Illegal campers on the road reserves, parks and reserves throughout the district. 

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Appointing further reserve wardens throughout the district to help deter illegal camping around the district*.

* (Council’s bylaws adopted under the Local Government Act 2002 prohibits camping in other than designated camping grounds or in specific areas which have been set aside for use by self contained camping vehicles).

How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Key Performance Indicators
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