Environmental Management Group

Activity: Environmental Health

The Environmental Health Activity manages Council’s responsibilities under the Health Act 1956, and other related regulations.

The role of the Environmental Health officers is to carry out the responsibilities of a Territorial Authority under the Health Act 1956 and related Regulations. 

Key facts 

Council inspects around 450 food premises, Camping Grounds, Offensive Trades and Clubs throughout the year and responds to complaints of health nuisance. The activity supports Council’s Resource Management and Building divisions, in relation to consent applications relevant to their role (e.g. food premises). In addition, they support the Liquor Licensing Agency and inspect licensed premises, as required by the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

In carrying out this activity, Council undertakes:

  • Inspection of food premises (Food Hygiene Regulations 1974).
  • Inspection of Liquor Licensed premises (Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012).
  • Health Nuisance (Health Act 1989).
  • Investigation of notifiable infectious diseases.
  • Assessing and audits of Food Control Plans.
  • Council also:
  • Advises and reviews related Resource and Building Consents.
  • Inspection of other bylaw related matters (e.g. On-Site Wastewater systems).

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

  • Highlights of our progress during 2012/13 include:
  • Health licences fee and service charges review for 2013/14 adopted by Council. 
  • Hosting Food Control Plan workshops for Food Operators in the district.

Challenges we experienced 

  • Worked through the legislative changes and implications for Council in respect to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
  • Explaining the new requirements for Food Control Plans to food operators.

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Gradual transition from registration of food premises to Food Control Plans, in line with the expected Food Act coming into force.
  • Operate dual administration systems that allows for the transition from registration of premises to Food Control Plans.
  • Development and implementation of new fees and charges structure for new legislation requirements.
  • Ensure that all Environmental Health Officers are suitably qualified to cater for the transition.
  • Investigating the possibility of introducing a grading system for food premises, aligned to new legislation.


How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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