Stormwater Drainage Group

This group manages stormwater runoff in urban areas and comprises pipeline reticulation, open channels, retention dams and floodgates.

The group also manages land drainage in a number of locations predominantly in the Kaitaia Area. These drainage areas are designed to improve the productive capacity of the land.

Activity: Stormwater 

Council manages the removal and disposal of stormwater runoff in defined urban areas. The activity predominantly relates to the built environment and paved areas where natural soakage does not exist.

Council provides stormwater management systems to control stormwater discharges from urban areas throughout the district. This involves the sustainable management of stormwater runoff within a defined urban catchment utilising piped networks, open drains and overland flowpaths giving consideration to current and future development, climate change, system capacity and condition, water quality, financial affordability, and the environment.

Key facts 

Council operates and maintains:

  • 117 km of pipes.
  • 37.5 km of lined and unlined channels. 
  • 2,746 manholes.
  • 17 retention dams. 
  • 50 floodgates.
  • 1793 inlets and outlets.
  • 1 pump station.

Council also:

  • Receives an average of 22 Requests for Service each month in regard to the Stormwater network.
  • Manages stormwater network improvement projects. 
  • Develops stormwater catchment management plans for defined urban areas.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

Highlights of our progress during 2012/13 include:

  • Coopers Beach stormwater project that has required almost eight years of sustained effort to achieve through the design, resource consent and construction phases has been completed. 
  • Ahipara stormwater outlet project completed. 

Challenges we experienced 

  • A rising level of protest from farmers receiving water from catchments due to the increased rainfall and the impact on overland flow paths that cross valuable grazing land. 
  • Investigation of options to address network deficiencies identified by stormwater management plan capacity studies is delayed due to resource capacity. 

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Continue to investigate options to address network deficiencies identified by Stormwater Catchment Management Plan capacity studies.
  • Continuing stormwater maintenance and improvements.
  • Undertake improvements to make high profile beach outlets in areas of high tourist numbers more aesthetically pleasing.
  • District Wide Emergency Response to address identified works that arise during the year.

How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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