District Facilities Group

Activity: Town maintenance, public toilets, car parks and amenity lighting

Council provides public toilets and car parks that are strategically located to meet the needs of visitors and the travelling public. Council under takes town maintenance and provides amenity lighting to ensure town centres are tidy, safe and attractive to visitors. 

Key facts 

Council operates and maintains: 

  • 64 public toilets located at 43 locations throughout the district.
  • 21 Car parks located in 9 towns.
  • Amenity lighting in 2 town centres.

Council also: (These services are delivered by a contracted private sector provider)

  • Provides town maintenance services to 21 towns.
  • Empties 393 litter bins and removes 8,470m3 of litter.
  • Scrubs the pavements in 9 town centres between 2-6 times per year.
  • Provides temporary toilet facilities at 6 locations to meet seasonal demand.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

  • Three completed public toilets with disabled access. 
  • Recreation Services Ltd town maintenance contract extended to 2014, service delivery and management improvements have been proposed. 

Challenges we experienced

  • Ongoing vandalism damage by graffiti and or physical breakage is an ongoing concern.
  • Weather related sports field restrictions limit the opportunities of recreation. 

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Continue to work with Focus Paihia to implement their Town Centre Plan.
  • Public toilets upgrade at Whangaroa, Rawene, and Melba Street, Kaitaia and build new toilets at Tokerau Beach.

How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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Community Outcome &
Key Performance Indicators
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