At a Glance
Primary Services
- Waste management including refuse
- Transfer stations and recycling
Why We Do It
- Council's vision is for the Far North to waste nothing of value or use, and the amount of waste generated in the Far North is kept to a minimum, so that the maximum value is realised from our renewable resources.
- The refuse and recycling services contribute to the vision by providing the facilities and opportunities to enable the communities in the district to dispose of their waste in a way that minimises the harmful environmental effects, and maximises the opportunities for recycling.
- Council is involved in refuse and recycling because effective management is necessary to protect public health and the environment.
What Has Changed Since The LTCCP 2009/19?
There are no significant changes to the refuse and recycling priorities since the publication of the 2009/19 LTCCP.Priorities For 2011/12 |
What We Have / Haven't Achieved |
Reducing the material going to landfill by increasing reuse and recycling | The amount of waste to landfill has been reduced down to 276kg per head of population. |
Continuing to work with Council's contractors to improve services | We have worked with contractors to provide community recycling stations at Rawene, Whangaroa, Peria and Broadwood. |
Developing education packages for schools on recycling | We contract CBEC Ecosolutions to provide education in schools on recycling along with reduce, reuse and recovery. |
Future Issues / Challenges |
Implications |
Need to provide security to meet long term disposal requirements | Consideration of disposal options for waste minimisation to landfill. |
Changing transport / fuel costs | Must be addressed when considering future waste disposal options. |
Community expectations regarding refuse and recycling services | Expectation may not be affordable for the community. |
Climate Change (Emissions Trading) Amendment Act 2008 | Increased charges for landfill disposal from 1 January 2013. |
Highlights of Performance
TPM = Total number of Performance Measures
Performance 2010/11 vs. 2011/12 - is neutral
Statement of Service Performance
For REFUSE and RECYCLING the following pages detail:- Service performance information provides levels of service comparative results for 2010/11 and 2011/12 including achievements and issues.
- Financial performance including comparisons against budget 2011/12.