Refuse and Recycling

Sustaining our Environment

At a Glance

Primary Services

  • Waste management including refuse
  • Transfer stations and recycling

Why We Do It

  • Council's vision is for the Far North to waste nothing of value or use, and the amount of waste generated in the Far North is kept to a minimum, so that the maximum value is realised from our renewable resources.
  • The refuse and recycling services contribute to the vision by providing the facilities and opportunities to enable the communities in the district to dispose of their waste in a way that minimises the harmful environmental effects, and maximises the opportunities for recycling.
  • Council is involved in refuse and recycling because effective management is necessary to protect public health and the environment.

What Has Changed Since The LTCCP 2009/19?

There are no significant changes to the refuse and recycling priorities since the publication of the 2009/19 LTCCP.

Priorities For 2011/12
What We Have / Haven't Achieved
Reducing the material going to landfill by increasing reuse and recycling The amount of waste to landfill has been reduced down to 276kg per head of population.
Continuing to work with Council's contractors to improve services We have worked with contractors to provide community recycling stations at Rawene, Whangaroa, Peria and Broadwood.
Developing education packages for schools on recycling We contract CBEC Ecosolutions to provide education in schools on recycling along with reduce, reuse and recovery.

Future Issues / Challenges
Need to provide security to meet long term disposal requirements Consideration of disposal options for waste minimisation to landfill.
Changing transport / fuel costs Must be addressed when considering future waste disposal options.
Community expectations regarding refuse and recycling services Expectation may not be affordable for the community.
Climate Change (Emissions Trading) Amendment Act 2008 Increased charges for landfill disposal from 1 January 2013.

Highlights of Performance

TPM = Total number of Performance Measures
Performance 2010/11 vs. 2011/12 - is neutral

Statement of Service Performance

For REFUSE and RECYCLING the following pages detail:
  1. Service performance information provides levels of service comparative results for 2010/11 and 2011/12 including achievements and issues.
  2. Financial performance including comparisons against budget 2011/12.
FYI: Key symbols are used to identify each measure contributing to Community Outcomes. For more information on Community Outcomes see the Community Outcomes Diagram.