Far North District Council has a tiered structure of strategies, plans and reports which set out our long term vision, and provide for ongoing review of progress toward that vision. This planning and reporting framework is shown in the diagram below.
The 2 most important aspects of this framework are the community aspirations linked to each plan, that sit below and the continuous monitoring and review at the side, which is undertaken at every level.
At the top of this framework are Community Aspirations. In preparing the 2006 Far North Future Plan, Council undertook a wide range of consultation processes with the Far North community to identify issues and outcomes of importance to local people. In 2009 the "Far North Futures Report" explained to the community the progress made towards community outcomes from 2006 to 2009. (Please visit our website to view a copy of this report.) Council carried out outcomes determination as part of the Long Term Plan 2012/22 process.
Underneath is the Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP). All councils in New Zealand are required to review and refresh the LTCCP every 3 years. This document builds on the direction set in 2009 and tells you what Council has achieved since then. It also takes into account international and national trends and the new issues and challenges facing our district 3 years on. Council conducted a consultation process for the LTP 2012/22 in March / April 2012 to encourage community input.
Following that is the Annual Plan. All councils in New Zealand are required to produce an Annual Plan. The plan is effectively a 1 year slice of the LTP. It identifies what Council sees as the big issues and challenges facing the Far North over the next year and how it aims to address them. It tells you about Council's activities and what it is planning to do next, how much it will all cost and how you will be able to judge what has been achieved. Council will conduct a community consultation process for the next Annual Plan 2013/14 in March / April 2013.
Lastly, an important aspect of the framework is to measure and report on Council's progress against the LTCCP 2009/19 in the Annual Report. Council is required to publish an Annual Report at the end of the financial year to provide audited information on service performance and financial operations.
This planning and reporting framework ensures that all Council activities and resources are directed to achieving the LTCCP 2009/19 and ensures a high level of accountability at each level so that all actions are carried out and are consistent with Council's key strategic direction.
Legislation amendment: The Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) will be renamed the Long Term Plan (LTP), change will take effect from 1st July 2012 for the LTP 2012/22.