Māori Engagement

Statement of Intent - A reflection of our Bi-Cultural Community

Māori Engagement

Māori development, in collaboration with other departments, will play a key role in addressing the following areas:
  • Māori representation;
  • Māori economic & social development;
  • Internal capacity building; and
  • External engagement.


The above emphasis is twofold:

  • Council's has obligations under the Local Government Act 2002, to establish processes to give Māori the opportunity to contribute to decision making and to consider ways to foster Māori development and capacity through better engagement; and
  • Develop a more strategic alignment with Iwi Māori through greater engagement, programmes & / or initiatives. This was a major input into the LTP through the submission process.


In view of Council's intention to become a Unitary Authority, it has signalled its support in principle for having dedicated Māori seats once the status has been achieved. Council has also shown its commitment by resolving to investigate non electoral options for engagement and involvement of Māori in its decision making.

In relation to developing Māori freehold land, Council is changing the emphasis by providing more development opportunities by enabling those that are willing and able to build & / or develop on Māori freehold land. Whilst Council only administers a small component of Māori freehold land development this will require greater collaboration with other primary agencies including the Māori Land Court, Te Puni Kōkiri, Housing New Zealand, other central government social and development agencies and Iwi authorities. These development opportunities will be project driven with a number of capacity building workshops (e.g.) Council may facilitate papakainga development workshops to outline what provisions there are within the District Plan and how they relate to papakainga or other housing purposes.

With regards to the internal capacity building, the waiata roopu continually provides consistent support and has participated at a range of council functions, including pōwhiri / welcoming ceremonies, poroporoakī / farewells and civic functions like citizenship ceremonies.

External Engagement

With regards to external engagement forums, Council is in the process of canvassing strategic and collaborative relationships with central government agencies and Iwi authorities within the district. This relationship building process seeks to align Māori social and development outcomes so that there are clearer opportunities and efficiencies when providing for the social, cultural, environmental and economic development and wellbeing of Māori within the Far North.