Lighting, Car parks and Footpaths

Support Health & Safety

At a Glance

Primary Services

  • Lighting, car parks and footpaths

Why We Do It

  • Council provides a footpath network so that the community, especially children and older people, have safe routes to use as they move to and from places in their community and to encourage walking as a recreational activity.
  • Council provides car parks so there are sufficient car parks for residents and visitors (both able and disabled) in commercial, recreational and business areas.
  • Council provides amenity lighting in towns to make them feel safe and look attractive.

What Has Changed Since The LTCCP 2009/19?

There have been no significant changes to the lighting, car parks and footpath activities since the publication of the 2009/19 LTCCP.

Priorities For 2011/12
What We Have / Haven't Achieved
Continuing to carry out maintenance on Council owned and maintained car parks Generally Council has achieved this priority by managing community expectations with the level of service that can be provided within existing budgets. One car park in Kaitaia that requires significant maintenance has been identified as surplus as it is no longer meets a public need.
Developing a district car parking strategy Budgetary constraints have meant that completion of this priority has not been achieved this year.
All footpath renewal projects have been deferred as a revised condition assessment is being undertaken that may realign the renewal programme Council has undertaken the condition assessment review and the renewal programme in the 2012/22 Long Term Plan will reflect this new data.

Future Issues / Challenges
Ensuring sufficient number of car parks are available with adequate signs and markings Requires monitoring of demand and supply during peak periods (i.e. weekends and summer peak period) and compliance with Council's engineering standards and guidelines. Council is also reviewing the need for parking enforcement throughout the year across the district.
Ensuring adequate number of disabled car parks are available, adequately signed and marked, and facilities for blind and vision impaired pedestrians Requires compliance with the provisions in the District Plan, road & transport series 14 - guidelines for facilities for blind and vision impaired. Continued liaison with stakeholders from the disability forums.

Highlights of Performance

TPM = Total number of Performance Measures
Performance 2010/11 vs. 2011/12 - has improved

Statement of Service Performance

For LIGHTING, CAR PARKS and FOOTPATHS the following pages detail:
  1. Service performance information provides levels of service comparative results for 2010/11 and 2011/12 including achievements and issues.
  2. Financial performance including comparisons against budget 2011/12.
FYI: Key symbols are used to identify each measure contributing to Community Outcomes. For more information on Community Outcomes see the Community Outcomes Diagram.