Airports and Maritime

Access to the District

At a Glance

Primary Services

  • Airports and maritime

Why We Do It

  • Airports are an important component of a modern transport network and they provide a link to the rest of the country for the transportation of goods and people. Council has determined that FNHL is best placed to manage and develop the district's airports.
  • Access to the sea is important to residents and visitors to the district. Council provides maritime facilities to ensure that safe, affordable and appropriately situated access is available.

What Has Changed Since The LTCCP 2009/19?

The only significant change to the airport and maritime activities relates to the Russell wharf.

A partnership arrangement has been reached with business interests to carry out a $362,000 refurbishment of the Russell wharf. Under the arrangement, the Russell business community will contribute $100,000 towards the work through a local Charitable Trust.

A start is subject to resource consent approval and to the availability of maritime contractors.

Priorities For 2011/12
What We Have / Haven't Achieved
Undertaking a review of the current maritime renewal programme and retime projects if required The Russell wharf refurbishment and southern landing upgrade has been completed. To fund the community share the Russell community have set up a Charitable Trust and undertaken a number of fund raising initiatives.

Reliable information about the condition of the maritime assets has been collected and a comprehensive maintenance programmed and realigned renewal program.

Future Issues / Challenges
Over the next year a review will be made of what facilities should be at each location e.g. amount of parking, dingy racks, pump out facilities, fuel, water, refuse, lighting, and toilets. This review will determine if there is any shortfall of land based facilities and what options are available to fund this (e.g. reinstate mooring and ramp fees or increase general rates) To provide any land based facilities will require additional funds and one option of funding is to reintroduce mooring and ramp fees.
The effect of climate change and sea levels will continue to be an issue to be aware of Storm events may cause significant damage to maritime assets.

Highlights of Performance

TPM = Total number of Performance Measures
Performance 2010/11 vs. 2011/12 - has improved

Statement of Service Performance

For AIRPORTS and MARITIME the following pages detail:
  1. Service performance information provides levels of service comparative results for 2010/11 and 2011/12 including achievements and issues.
  2. Financial performance including comparisons against budget 2011/12.
FYI: Key symbols are used to identify each measure contributing to Community Outcomes. For more information on Community Outcomes see the Community Outcomes Diagram.