Community & Economic Development

Strengthening Businesses & Communities

At a Glance

Primary Services

  • Community and economic development

Why We Do It

In relation to economic development, Council works to contribute to a strong, growing and sustainable district economy that makes a tangible and positive difference to the people of the Far North, with a particular focus on attracting investment to the district.

What Has Changed Since The LTCCP 2009/19?

There have been no significant changes to the community and economic development activities since the publication of the 2009/19 LTCCP.

Priorities For 2011/12
What We Have / Haven't Achieved
Attracting inward investment to the district and making it easier for people who want to invest in the future of the district to do business with Council Continued to offer a business navigation service through Council processes for potential inward investors.
Promoting the Far North as a tourist destination Continued to fund Destination Northland on a project by project basis.
Supporting events that bring people to the district and creating opportunities for them to prolong their visit Continued to fund events that bring economic benefit to the District e.g. State Ocean Swim Series.
Taking advantage of the unique opportunities offered by the RWC Worked collaboratively with all the regions' councils, government agencies and the private sector to capture as many opportunities that arose from the RWC.
Working with local businesses to develop business improvement district Worked collaboratively with Kaitaia Business Association to establish a Kaitaia Business improvement district.
Continuing the Far North Cycleway project and advising communities how to maximise its financial benefit. Continued with the Far North Cycleway project and provided assistance where applicable that will enable communities to capitalise on potential benefits.
Working with communities in Kaikohe, Paihia, Omapere and Opononi, Kaitaia, Ahipara, Kawakawa and Doubtless Bay to develop community plans Completed the Plans for Kaikohe, Omapere and Opononi, Kaitaia and Ahipara, with assistance being provided to Kawakawa. Work has not commenced the remaining plans as efforts were transferred to support the 30 year growth strategy.
Implementing Council's Māori engagement action plan, with a focus on economic development projects Continued to implement Council's Māori engagement action plan by supporting Māori organisations whose focus has been on economic development.
Implementing an aerial survey of Northland mineral resources by March 2011with an estimated completion date by the end of this year. Worked with regional stakeholders and the Ministry of Economic Development.
Exploring closer working relations between urban and rural fire authorities Developed a sound relationship with both urban and rural fire authorities in the North by:
  • Establishing an operational committee that meet on a regular basis;
  • Provided training programmes; and
  • Provided vital equipment.
Working with Northland Regional Council and other partners to implement the priorities set out in the Northland civil defence emergency management plan. There will be a particular focus in the Far North on developing and maintaining community response plans and raising public awareness (including initiatives through local schools) Completed 26 community response plans. Public education has focused on civil defence awareness and emergency planning for early childcare centres.
Implementing Council's disability action plan Painted and remarked 14 specific parking spaces for members of our disabled community and seeking external sponsorship for additions parking spaces.
Continuing to consider the needs of older people and identifying ways in which Council or other providers can best respond to those needs Continued to lift the quality and standard of Council's housing stock by:
  • Developing a building renewal programme;
  • Replacing baths with walk in showers at a rate of 2 per year as funds permit;
  • Installing security locks when units are refurbished;
  • Working with District Health Board to make each unit smoke free; and
  • Insulated 50% of the housing stock, and 25% over the next 3 consecutive years.
Continuing the Buy North campaign as a means of assisting local employment Continued to support the Buy North campaign as a means of assisting local employment.

Future Issues / Challenges
Increased competition to attract investment - due to both the state of the global and national economies and increased competition among regions:
  • More difficult to attract investment and achieve a growing local economy;
  • Lifestyle positives of living in the Far North become of less relevance and attraction;
  • Small businesses will struggle to expand;
  • New businesses will be more difficult to set up without significant upfront capital; and
  • Potential for businesses to relocate closer to major markets.
Need for promotion of district as a place to live, work and invest:
  • Awareness raising and establishment of a positive Far North profile;
  • Effective communication with target markets;
  • Efforts to overcome negative perceptions and perceived constraints to businesses relocating to the district; and
  • Buy Far North message takes on greater importance.

Highlights of Performance

TPM = Total number of Performance Measures
Performance 2010/11 vs. 2011/12 - needs improving

Statement of Service Performance

For COMMUNITY and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT the following pages detail:
  1. Service performance information provides levels of service comparative results for 2010/11 and 2011/12 including achievements and issues.
  2. Financial performance including comparisons against budget 2011/12.
FYI: Key symbols are used to identify each measure contributing to Community Outcomes. For more information on Community Outcomes see the Community Outcomes Diagram.