Council has focused on ensuring our community receives a clear and readable report. Service performance and financial information is divided into 3 sections which contains the following information:
- Primary services: Services provided to the community by each of the activity groups.
- Why we do it: These sections explain the reason why Council undertakes each activity and outline Council's broad vision for what it is seeking to achieve.
- Priorities and what we have / haven't achieved: These sections tell you what we have and haven't done against what Council said they planned to do.
- What has changed since the LTCCP 2009/19?: These sections identify things that Council said it would do but which, for one reason or another have not yet been achieved.
- Future issues / challenges and implications: This section Council explains key issues and challenges facing Council facilities and services.
- Highlights of performance: A 3 year view of percentage of performance measures achieved and not achieved in 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12.
- Community outcomes: Key symbols are used to identify each measure contributing to community outcomes - public safety, public health, transportation, environment, education, training and business opportunities, services that support communities, and culture and heritage. For more information on community outcomes please refer to page 79.
- Measures and targets: This refers to Council initiatives and how this impacts on levels of service provision set in the LTCCP 2009/19.
- Results, achievements/issues: Shown are the results for 2010/11 and 2011/12, actual achievements and issues identified in 2011/12.
- Financial summary: A high level view of income and expenditure for each activity. Depreciation and Interest are shown separately in line with the main accounting statements.
- Variance to the Annual Plan 2011/12: Explanations for the major under and over spends incurred against the Annual Plan 2011/12 budget for the activity.
- Key capital projects: The table outlines the different types of capital expenditure incurred by each activity.
- Significant acquisitions and replacement of assets
Key projects of significant value within each activity. The significance of value will change dependant upon the activity.