Finance and Business Performance

Accountability and Transparency

At a Glance

Primary Services

  • Finance and business performance

Why We Do It

Our vision is to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in supporting each of Council's activity areas to deliver better services to their customers. We aim to do this by:
  • Managing the Council's financial affairs and ensuring effective planning, budgeting, accounting, monitoring and reporting arrangements are in place.
  • Assessing and collecting rates and other charges.
  • Developing and administering key financial policies e.g. rates remissions and postponement, development contributions, and treasury policy.
  • Leading Council's work on long term strategic
    planning and performance management.
  • Undertaking risk analysis and internal audit work, as well as maintaining Council's insurance arrangements.
  • Managing Council's records and archives.
  • Issuing Land Information Memoranda (LIMs).
  • Developing information policy and strategy.
  • Providing information systems (IS) and information technology (IT), along with onsite IT support, and website management and maintenance.
  • Managing Council's vehicle fleet.
  • Running Council's in house publications unit.

What Has Changed Since The LTCCP 2009/19?

There have been no significant changes to the finance and business performance activity since the 2009/19 LTCCP was published.

Roads Priorities For 2011/12
What We Have / Haven't Achieved
Identify reduced charges from suppliers and improve standards of service During 2011/12 Council became eligible to join contracts for the supply of goods and services that had been agreed by the Ministry of Economic Development. Council took advantage of the contracts for vehicle purchases and office consumables.
Continuing to identify opportunities for savings and efficiencies in operating costs Value of efficiencies (savings $1,859,809) achieved through improved (non project based) procurement.

Area of Savings:

  1. Telecommunications;
  2. Employment related costs;
  3. Training and course conference;
  4. Contractors and professional fees;
  5. Cleaning and security; and
  6. General administration
Reviewing rating policies in the light of consultation feedback Review of policies completed prior to LTP through the consultation deliberations and hearings alteration to wording of criteria for Maori freehold land policies. Further policy review will be completed through the Annual Plan process.
Increasing recovery of rates Providing effective advice, assistance and solutions to customers to remedy outstanding debt owed to Council.
Completing the implementation of an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) to improve efficiency EDRMS implemented. Work well underway to digitise paper based property information which will result in time efficiencies in accessing information required to complete the consenting process and provision of property information to the public.
Continuing to dispose of surplus properties to provide funding for other projects There has been no further activity in this area during the year.

Future Issues / Challenges
Legislative requirements and changes - much of the work of this division is driven by legislative requirements. Often these can result in complex documents. The challenge is to produce plans that are understandable and informative to the readers If plans are not readable, the community will not be able to fully participate in the consultative processes.
The accounting standards that are applicable to Council are due to change from July 2014. This will require council staff to fully understand the changes and be able to provide comparative data for the reports produced This will require careful analysis of the standards to ensure that Council is fully compliant.

Highlights of Performance

TPM = Total number of Performance Measures
Performance 2010/11 vs. 2011/12 - needs improving

Statement of Service Performance

For FINANCE and BUSINESS PERFORMANCE the following pages detail:
  1. Service performance information provides levels of service comparative results for 2010/11 and 2011/12 including achievements and issues.
  2. Financial performance including comparisons against budget 2011/12.
FYI: Key symbols are used to identify each measure contributing to Community Outcomes. For more information on Community Outcomes see the Community Outcomes Diagram.