About Service Performance

Community Aspirations

In preparing the 2006/16 LTCCP, Council determined outcome areas that were important, as part of its consultation with the community (surveys, personal interviews, Hui and youth workshops). In addition, Council along with Northland Regional Council, Kaipara District Council and Whangarei District Council partnered in a process to determine regional outcome areas (focus groups, stakeholder groups, wananga, Hui and a quantitative telephone survey).

Community outcomes are a community judgment and belong to the community not Council. The purpose of the process is to enable the community as a whole to decide what is important. That is not just in terms of Council functions, but also in terms of the functions and capabilities of other organisations and groups within the community. In performing its role, Council should take account of the diversity of the community and "the interests of future as well as current communities". It should also 'collaborate and co-operate with other local authorities and bodies" where that is appropriate "to promote or achieve priorities and desired outcomes".

The "Far North District Futures Report" explains to the community the progress made towards community outcomes from 2006 to 2009, please visit our website to view the report