District Facilities Group

Motor Camps

Council owns three motor camps (in Russell, Tauranga Bay and Houhora Heads) that compliment the wider provision of camping opportunities in the district.

Motor Camps contributes by ensuring
  • Recreation and leisure facilities are maintained and that the community has access to quality facilities and opportunities for developing new facilities are investigated



– development so far – 

Facility Bookings

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Appointing reserve wardens through out the district to help deter illegal camping around the district.

What we did in 2013/14

Appointed five reserve wardens to monitor reserves at Kaimaumau, Whatuwhiwhi and Te Wahapu.

What we plan to do in 2014/15

Continue the appointment of reserve wardens to help deter illegal camping around the district, and working together with Department of Conservation on a common policy and strategy for managing this activity.



– what we have achieved in 2013/14 –  

  • Appointed and trained five reserve wardens.



– where are we now? – 

  • There was a low response generally to this initiative and it is hoped that over time more wardens will be appointed across the District.


Thinking Ahead1 

- key priorities planned for 2014/15 –

Transport Strategy and Advocacy Plan

  • Continue to encourage visitors to our district to use registered camp grounds.

1 Please refer to the Motor Camp section of the Long-Term Plan (LTP) 2012/13 and the Annual Plans 2013/14 and 2014/15 for further information on priorities

Activity Performance Indicators
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