Waste Management
The Waste Management Group provides facilities for the disposal of refuse balanced with the provision of recycling and other waste minimisation facilities to minimise the risk to the environment and public health. Refuse collection services, are undertaken by private contractors.
Waste Management contributes by ensuring
- Recycling and waste management is encouraged and supported.
– in action –
Converting Waste to Fuel
What we said we would do in 2013/14
Continue to monitor the development of the technology and direction lead by Government.
What we did in 2013/14
Discussions have been held with the Waste Industry to explore opportunities to process non-recyclable plastics into a fuel oil.
What we plan to do in 2014/15
Council has deferred becoming involved with this technology due to larger scale investigations by Central Government agencies. Recent studies recommended that only larger scale resource processing facilities could be cost effective.
– development so far –
Waste Minimisation Plan
What we said we would do in 2013/14
- Continuing to work towards meeting long-term waste disposal needs by exploring alternative options to landfill for waste disposal while aiming for a goal of zero waste to landfill.
- Education and promotion
- Bylaws Reviews
What we did in 2013/14
- Clothing bins for recovery were introduced at Whitehills and Whangae RTS.
- Business Green Star Award underway. Encouraging waste minimisation in businesses - 1st award made to Kleen & Press, Kerikeri.
- Consideration to Bylaw change to reinforce recycling behaviour.
What we plan to do in 2014/15
- Expand Green Star Award Initiative.
- Review solid waste bylaws to integrate into one bylaw.
Provide Community Stations And Recycling Bins
What we said we would do in 2013/14
Increase waste recycling by improving access to recycling services across the district.
What we did in 2013/14
- New recycling station in place on Rangiahua Rd as alternative to Horeke Molok.
- Investigation of new community recycling site Mangamuka.
- Investigation underway for community recycling station at Pawarenga.
- Maromaku community recycling station set up on existing site. Molok removed in June 2013.
What we plan to do in 2014/15
- Increase waste recycling by improving access to recycling services across the district.
- Continuing investigation for Mangamuka Recycling.
- Commence operation of Recycling Station at Pawarenga.
Promotional & Educational Programme
What we said we would do in 2013/14
Continuing to encourage environmental awareness and waste minimisation through education programmes in Schools.
What we did in 2013/14
689 lessons delivered since July 2012.
What we plan to do in 2014/15
- Continuing to encourage environmental awareness and Waste minimisation through education programmes in schools.
- New contract to commence in January 2015.
– where are we now? –
Waste Minimisation Plan- Only a few businesses have taken up the challenge for Green Star Award.
- Lack of funding has slowed progress for more access to recycling.
- Processing is currently dealt with by private enterprise and the refuse transfer station contractors, without the need for further input from Council. Therefore greenwaste education has been removed from the Plan. Council will continue to encourage home composting.
Thinking Ahead1
- key priorities planned for 2014/15 –
Waste Minimisation
Council will review where additional facilities can be provided. These reviews will potentially lead to additional facilities being provided and funded for in the LTP 2015/25.
1 Please refer to the Waste Management section of the Long-Term Plan (LTP) 2012/13 and the Annual Plans 2013/14 and 2014/15 for further information on priorities