Environmental Management Group

Environmental Policy

The Environmental Policy Activity primarily involves identifying resource management issues facing the Far North District, including national and regional policy and regulations that have to be given effect to, and finding ways of addressing these issues. The main component is the review, administration, and monitoring of the Far North District Plan.

Environmental Policy contributes by
  • Supporting environmental initiatives that enhance the district.



– development so far – 

Plan Changes

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Continue with the programme of undertaking prioritised plan changes to improve the quality of the document and subsequent environmental results.

What we did in 2013/14

Continued to implement our programme of plan changes. Major milestones included the notification of PCs 14 (Air Chapter); 15 (Rural Provisions); 17 (Impermeable Surfaces); and preparation of PC 18 (GMOs) such that it was able to be notified in July 2014. Staff participated in, and contributed to, Environment Court proceedings relating to appeals to PC 12 (Paihia Mission Heritage Area). Substantial progress made on plan changes relating to Traffic, Parking and Access; and to Signage. Substantial progress also made in the development of a comprehensive programme for the review of the district plan, and associated integrated planning processes with other divisions of Council.

What we plan to do in 2014/15

Continue with the programme of undertaking prioritised plan changes to improve the quality of the document and subsequent environmental results.

Rolling Review

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Continue with the programme of undertaking prioritised plan changes to improve the quality of the document and subsequent environmental results.

What we did in 2013/14

The Council has previously resolved to review its District Plan using a rolling review methodology as opposed to reviewing the entire document in a single process. Council is yet to approve a final priority programme for plan changes, however this has not unduly delayed matters as several plan changes have continued to be processed while awaiting approval of an overall programme.

What we plan to do in 2014/15

Continue a review of the District Plan to meet Council’s statutory obligation.

Inter-Council Working Party

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Continue involvement in the Inter-Council Working Party (ICWP) on genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

What we did in 2013/14

Council continued to participate in the ICWP. Milestones achieved included the commencement of the Schedule 1 statutory process of notification of a Plan Change introducing GMO provisions into the District Plan. This has involved continued resource-sharing with neighbouring territorial authorities. Council is also involved as a 274 party to Whangarei District Council’s Appeal against decisions on the Regional Policy Statement in regard to GMOs. Council has lodged submission in support of Auckland Unitary Plan provisions (consistent with ICWP’s resolutions).

What we plan to do in 2014/15

Continue involvement in the Inter-Council Working Party on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and continuation of the processing of PC 18 GMOs.

Monitoring strategy

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Continue to monitor the effectiveness of the District Plan.

What we did in 2013/14

The monitoring strategy review has been completed to draft stage. The scope of the monitoring process is being further developed to respond to the efficiency and effectiveness review mechanisms required under the RMA and to further inform the review of the District Plan.

What we plan to do in 2014/15

Continue to monitor the effectiveness of the District Plan.

Public Awareness

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

As and when opportunities present themselves, increase public awareness and understanding of the District Plan.

What we did in 2013/14

Examples of public awareness programmes include Planning Newsletter published twice yearly; seminars and workshops held externally and internally on request; brochures; pocket size Guide to the District Plan; ongoing assistance with Planning Duty Roster; participation in externally organised seminars, e.g. hapu/marae development seminars organised by Dept. of Internal Affairs - presented as part of a public seminar; liaising with Maori Land Court officials and providing District Plan advice to Maori land owners and coordination with associated key stakeholders.

What we plan to do in 2014/15

As and when opportunities present themselves, increase public awareness and understanding of the District Plan.



– what we have achieved in 2013/14 –  

  • Completion of the first of three phases of the Review of the District Plan’s Rural Provisions via Council Decisions issued on Plan Change 15.
  • Milestone achievement of development of Plan Change process to notification stage for the consideration of Genetically Modified Organisms.
  • Completion of comprehensive local data collection program to provide evidence base for proposed Traffic Parking and Access Plan Change.
  • Continued achievement in program of District Plan public awareness program through issue of biannual newsletter.



– where are we now? – 

With respect to the Monitoring Strategy the somewhat limited scope of baseline data collection and associated methodology for collecting this data requires improvement so that the future review of the effectiveness & efficiency of the plan is more accurate and meaningful in terms of the review of the Plan.

The rate of progress in preparing a Council Tangata Whenua engagement strategy and associated department work plan has impacted on opportunities to further develop relationships with Tangata Whenua groups.

Although some progress has been made, the need for improved linkages between the District Plan, infrastructure planning and growth management is required.


1 Please refer to the Environmental Policy section of the Long-Term Plan (LTP) 2012/13 and the Annual Plans 2013/14 and 2014/15 for further information on priorities

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