Welcome to Council’s Performance Overview


This section of the report measures Council’s performance against what we said we would do in our Annual Plan 2013/14. The Annual Plan sets out the vision for the Far North District as well as priorities and service delivery for Council to follow. In particular it provides the financial framework for delivering all the everyday services and facilities that the community enjoys and expects from their local Council. 

Why does Council have performance as part of the Annual Report?

As well as meeting this statutory requirement to include non-financial information on Council activities service levels and performance, Council also sees this as a vital tool to keep residents, businesses, employees, community groups and organisations informed about its performance and future direction. 

What you have told us 

Council conducted a residential opinion survey in July 2014 and residents were asked to rate their satisfaction on use of a selection of Council services and facilities. This is a snapshot of our results below, the shaded area is where Council has achieved or exceeded the target. 

To help you find your way through the next section of the report.

Please find below an introduction to Council’s activity pages:

Council Activity 

  • Detailing the name of activity and what it is responsible for

Community Outcomes

  • How the activity contributes to the 3 community outcomes.

Council’s Strategic Priority – In Action 

  • These projects are the largest and included in Council’s capital expenditure programme within the Annual Plan 2013/14. 

Key Projects – Development So Far

  • These projects support the priorities identified in the Annual Plan 2013/14. An update on progress and what’s planned in 2014/15 has been provided.

What We Have Achieved In 2013/14  

  • Completed projects in during the year. 

Where Are We Now?

  • Challenges and disappointments experienced during the year.

Thinking Ahead 

  • Key priorities planned for 2014/15 

Activity Performance Indicators 

This includes:

  • How residents rated their satisfaction on use of a selection of Council services and facilities;
  • The activity service and performance results; and
  • A peer review comparison with three Councils (Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC), Opotiki District Council (ODC) and Gisborne District Council (GDC) looking primarily at customer satisfaction with Council’s facilities and services.