The Far North
Te Taitokerau ki te Raki
Far North District Council’s Mission:
Nga Mahi Whakahiahia o te Kauhihera
To provide effective leadership and responsive, affordable services
Kia tika te mahi arahi i te iwi; horo rawa te tuku, iti rawa te utu
To value our diverse lifestyles and unique environment
Whakanuitia nga mea o te rangi, o te whenua, tae atu ki tena, ki tena o tatou
To build trust within stronger and safer communities
Kia hanga ai te whakapono, te kaha me te rangimarie, i waenganui i nga iwi
To promote economic, social and cultural advancement of the Far North
Kia haere mua ai Te Taitokerau i nga kaupapa e pa ana ki te oranga tangata
The Treaty Of Waitangi
Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Council recognises the obligations and responsibilities of the Crown under the Treaty of Waitangi and its responsibility to take into account the key principles of par tnership, protection, and par ticipation. These are captured in legislation, par ticularly through the requirements of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act 2002. But fulfilment of Treaty obligations means more than simple adherence to statutory requirements. Council and its staff should be seen to be reflecting the spirit of the Treaty as part of business as usual.
E whakamihi ana te kaunihera ki te ¯u o te karauna ki te Tiriti o Waitangi me ana kawenga me nga matapono i raro i te Tiriti e pa ana ki te Whakahoa, Whakangungu, me te whai wahitanga mo te Iwi. Kua oti te mau enei kaupapa i raro te ture o te RMA 1991 me te Ture a Rohe 2002. E rangi me whakaaronuitia e hara kei te piri anake ki nga hiahia o te ture ki a whakatutuki nga whakaheinga o te Tiriti. Te kaunihera me ona kaimahi me whaiwhakaaro ki te hohonutanga o te Tiriti e pa ana ki a ratou mahi.
The top place where talent wants to live work and invest. This is about:
- Attracting more skills, talent and investment to the district.
- Retaining the skilled people already here and maintaining economic prosperity.
- Being competitive with other districts.
To drive work across the organisation on behalf of the community:
- Enabling
- Enthusiasm
- Innovation