Environmental Management Group

Resource Consent Management

The Resource Consent Management Activity primarily involves the processing of resource consent applications in accordance with the District Plan and the Resource Management Act 1991. As well as resource consent applications, the activity processes other related approvals such as earthworks permits, right of way applications and Sale of Liquor Compliance Certificates. A significant portion of the activity includes the provision of information to members of the public and the answering of queries.

resource consent management contributes by
  • Supporting environmental initiatives that enhance the district.
  • Growth is not taking place to the detriment of the natural environment. Historic and archaeological sites/buildings of significance and Wahi Tapu sites valued by Māori are protected and supported to be preserved.



– what we have achieved in 2013/14 –  

Business Processes

  • Since 1 July 2012 several workflows have been reviewed and improved, along with a number of template documents. This has been very good progress and has benefited processes. We have continued to update and improve workflows on a continuous improvement basis through the year. In terms of the 2013/14 programme, this has been completed. Highlights of the year’s programme have included setting up new processes for the RCs Engineer, establishing and trialling new processes ready to put in place to implement pending legislation changes; and introducing an improved pre application meeting/checking process. Overall progress, over the two year timeframe for this project, in terms of those things planned for completion in that timeframe, has been good.
  • Standardised engineering conditions uploaded in electronic form to Pathways.
  • Resource consents allocated on the basis of most appropriate level of staff experience to match the nature of the application. Legal advice is only sought when absolutely necessary. Continue to emphasise the importance of correct process to staff. Legal costs below budget.
  • The vast majority of resource consents for 2013/14 year have been processed by internal staff, thereby minimising the use of external consultants.

Staff Development

  • A commitment to staff development in the area of National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health and supporting postgraduate studies that in turn bring a benefit to the organisation.



– where are we now? – 

  • It is an ongoing challenge to balance the ‘wellbeing’ and expectations of the individual landowner or developer with those of the community and stake holder and interest groups.


Thinking Ahead1 

- key priorities planned for 2014/15 –

Transport Strategy and Advocacy Plan

  • Continue to substantially achieve compliance with statutory timeframes by continuing to adequately resource processing requirements and by improving and updating systems and processes, with input from practitioner groups.
  • Unless economically advantageous to the community, continue to process the vast majority of resource consents by internal staff and minimise the use of external consultants.
  • Continue to assist staff with ongoing professional development to ensure quality decisions and assistance to the community.

1 Please refer to the Resource Management section of the Long-Term Plan (LTP) 2012/13 and the Annual Plans 2013/14 and 2014/15 for further information on priorities

Activity Performance Indicators
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