

This activity provides library services at a number of locations throughout the district. These are located in Kaikohe, Proctor Library Kerikeri, Te Ahu Library Kaitaia, Kawakawa, Williams House Paihia and Kaeo.

Libraries contributes to
  • Engage, inspire and inform communities by providing recreational, educational and life-long learning, as well as cultural enrichment through the provision of library services and facilities that are affordable, accessible and meet community needs

– development so far – 

Library Accessibility

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Make libraries more accessible and able to meet the community’s needs by:

  • Providing a common library card to public and community libraries
  • Developing library services that reach beyond buildings using available and future technologies to offer an expanded and enhanced service to more communities.

What we did in 2013/14

  • A common library card was developed and offered to members of community libraries. It has been taken up by many of their members
  • E-Books in both written and talking formats made available for library customers. The popularity of E-Books continues to increase
  • Library customers are able to have their notices sent via email, logging into their accounts remotely and controlling their own borrowing to a greater extent
  • Library opening hours and days are under review and will form part of the library strategy due for completion in 2014.

Develop Libraries

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Develop libraries that support our communities by:

  • Celebrating culture, heritage and the arts
  • Establishing specialised library support services
  • Reviewing opening days/hours.

What we did in 2013/14

  • The Archives room at Procter Library is gathering more material from the community and making it available to a wide audience
  • Working with schools to provide holiday programmes.

Business Efficiencies

What we said  we would do in 2013/14

Provide Libraries that are current and relevant by:

  • Maintaining relationships with stakeholders and the community
  • Reducing costs and maximising use of volunteers.

What we did in 2013/14

  • Established a weekly story time session at Kaikohe Library.
  • Hosted the Northland Storylines family day at Te Ahu Library – a great success.
  • FNDC libraries offer a library service to retirement villages.
  • The libraries are providing a venue for groups such as JPs, Senior Net and Citizens Advice Bureau to offer services to the public.
  • Volunteers continue to work in the libraries and we have 2 volunteers who have given their time for over 40 years.



– what we have achieved in 2013/14 –  

  • A common library card was developed and offered to members of community libraries. It has been taken up by many of their members.



– where are we now? – 

  • The continuing decline of new borrowers / physical visits to our libraries however this has been matched by the increasing popularity of e-Books.


Thinking Ahead1 

- key priorities planned for 2014/15 –

  • Council’s Library Strategy is currently being reviewed, including a review of the library opening days/hours. The strategy will be made to align with the Public Libraries of New Zealand strategic framework 2012/17.
  • Investigate a pick-up / drop off service between Te Ahu Library and Mangonui Community Library.

1 Please refer to the Libraries section of the Long-Term Plan (LTP) 2012/13 and the Annual Plans 2013/14 and 2014/15 for further information on priorities

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