Governance and Strategy Group

Activity: Strategic Planning  

The Strategic Planning Activity provides the overall, long-term direction for the district. It includes the development of this Long-Term Plan, and intervening Annual Plans. The Strategic Planning Team manages these documents and the public consultative processes. 

As part of their function, the team is responsible for reviewing the community outcomes and a number of key policies. 

As a new direction, Council is considering the development of a long-term Growth Strategy for the district. This plan will cover up to 30 to 50 years that will provide a comprehensive and co-ordinated blue print for the district. 

If Council does decide to develop such a plan, it will involve considerable community involvement to ensure that the final document is meaningful and relevant.

Council’s vision is to publish easy to understand and informative Plans and Policies which inform the community about how Council is planning to manage and grow the district into the future. Council aims to do this by working on long-term strategic planning processes.

Key facts 

  • The Long-Term Plan 2012/22 resulted in 1119 submissions.
  • The Annual Plan 2013/14 was a shorter document but received 1352 submissions.

Our major achievements in 2012/13 

Highlights of our progress during 2012/13 include:

  • Increased usage of online consultation tool “Objective Online” for community engagement. 
  • A debrief of the LTP 2012/22 process was held with key participants and stakeholders. Key elements of this were  incorporated into the 2013/14 Annual Plan process. Examples include software issues and the appointment of a project manager.  
  • The Annual Plan 2013/14 was adopted by Council on 27 June 2013. Out of the 1352 submissions received on the draft Plan, 104 submitters requested a hearing, and 1052 requested an indoor heated pool complex in Kaitaia. Other key concerns were regarding proposed rating changes, in particular a targeted roading rate, as well as opposition to removal of the Community Grants Scheme. Final responses to submitters were processed in July 2013 and completed on time. 

Challenges we experienced 

  • Required additional resource to project manage the LTP to ensure the pre-draft, draft and final documents could be produced on time for audit, and the community public consultation process. 
  • Additional resources also required during the Annual Plan Special Consultative Procedure to ensure processing of submissions met the required time-frames for hearings, deliberations and response letters to submitters.

Plans for the next 12 months 

  • Completing the 2014/15 Annual Plan on time.
How we Performed
against the Long-Term Plan (LTP)
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