He mea Kite…He mea Mahi
The Far North
Te Taitokerau ki te Raki
Frontier of Opportunity
Te Huarahi Whakapuare o nga Moemoea
Far North District Council’s Mission:
Nga Mahi Whakahiahia o te Kauhihera
To provide effective leadership and responsive, affordable services
Kia tika te mahi arahi i te iwi; horo rawa te tuku, iti rawa te utu
To value our diverse lifestyles and unique environment
Whakanuitia nga mea o te rangi, o te whenua, tae atu ki tena, ki tena o tatou
To build trust within stronger and safer communities
Kia hanga ai te whakapono, te kaha me te rangimarie, i waenganui i nga iwi
To promote economic, social and cultural advancement of the Far North
Kia haere mua ai Te Taitokerau i nga kaupapa e pa ana ki te oranga tangata